Internal Communication
Sharing Your Research Results with the Team
Research is underway
At this point, school partners will be aware of the research topic, having helped design the question. Researchers, SRPC staff, and school partner staff will be in open communication during data sharing and collection.
Lead researchers will send school partners’ designees a progress report that summarizes where the work stands, by email/on the new website area for updates, at least once per month; more frequently if pace of work accelerates or a major development takes place.
Progress report email should also be shared with other SRPC committees through their chairs either by email or verbally during regularly scheduled meetings.
Researchers shall be available to meet with other SRPC committees on a monthly basis to give updates and answer questions.
First interaction between a communications person and researchers:
Here, the writer of the brief and additional materials will get an overview of the project’s scope, early findings and potential recommendations.
The writer will also ask questions necessary to help write the brief. These questions may also steer the research inquiry.
Second Interaction between the brief writer and researchers:
Process from Step 2 is repeated approximately several weeks later, depending on progress of research. This second interview should land at about the halfway point.
Research completed
Researchers write their technical report, which includes the abstract, summary, methodology, findings, and conclusion.
This is also time for the third interaction between the brief writer and researchers.
A longer interview is done by the brief writer to finalize key takeaways and recommendations.
The brief writer writes a brief report, with key takeaways and summary of the report.
These takeaways and summary should be written to be understood by readers outside of education and academia, however key takeaways and recommendations will not stray from what researchers concluded in their official report. Brief should be about 2 pages of written text.
Publicly distributed reports should be translated into other commonly spoken languages within the St. Louis school community to broaden reach and improve access to non-native speaking families as it makes sense according to communication and sharing strategies.
Internal presentation of final results
The Lead Researcher and Brief Writer will present the results of the research to members of the SRPC and its Advisory Board.
A first presentation should be given in person or virtually to the SRPC committee chairs, including the Advisory Board co-chairs.
The presentation can incorporate slides or multimedia. A draft of the public brief and technical brief should also be provided.
Input and feedback from the co-chair presentation can be incorporated before presenting to the full Advisory Board.
Input on how to present the work from the Advisory Board can then be incorporated into final changes to the technical and public briefs.