Student Mobility Committee Meeting
Zoom meeting:
Welcome & Introductions
Committee Updates
Data for Social Impact Initiative Opportunity
Overview of Mobility Discrepancies: Findings
Group Discussion
Knowledge Engagement Committee Monthly Meeting
Zoom link:
Committee Updates
Developing our theory of action
Identifying Methods & Areas of Measurement
Wrap Up
Advisory Council Meeting
Location: SKIP Offices
Parking is available in the lot across the street from CET. The gate code 2400.
I am looking forward to seeing you at our SRPC Advisory Council meeting tomorrow! You can find the meeting slides here.
Our agenda tomorrow is:
Welcome & Introductions
Review of initial proposed research topics
Review proposed RFP process for long-term SRPC housing
Committee updates
Group Reflection
For the last agenda item, we will be talking about what it means to partner will during periods of leadership and legislative change. If you are interested in learning more about upcoming education bills or the state legislative process, you can find short briefs here and here respectively.
Student Mobility Committee Meeting
Zoom link:
Our Student Mobility Committee meeting this month will be focused on providing feedback for Jason's team on the methods used in their first round of research (this is different from the original sneak-preview many of you saw earlier). As a reminder, this is a draft, so please do not distribute it outside of this group.
If you are not interested/do not have expertise for deep-diving into the technicalities of analysis, please feel free to skip this meeting.
If you are interested in attending, please take time to fill out this peer review template prior to our meeting.
TechWeek STL Panel
Paul Sorenson will present about SRPC as part of a panel at TechWeek STL. Christopher Kolar will facilitate the panel.
Knowledge Engagement Committee Monthly Meeting
Zoom link:
This month, we will be planning for the committee format moving forward. With new results coming out of the Student Mobility Committee, it’s time to get to work! We will be outlining activities, expectations, and roles.
Co-Chairs Meeting
Zoom link:
Data Committee Meeting
Zoom Link:
Welcome & Check-In
Review of Data Enclave Research
Discussion of Future of Data Committee
Wrap Up & Next Steps