External Communication

Presentations to External Audiences

Aligning Engagement & Communication

Researchers and report authors are encouraged to share their work and present it to a diversity of audiences. However, to ensure alignment in communication and strategy, we ask that opportunities to engage with audiences outside of SRPC members prior to or during the initial release of research results be discussed with the Advisory Council co-chairs.

For external engagement, a reasonable effort should be made to invite and include co-authors or stakeholders from the research to presentations. This will both exemplify the collaborative spirit of the SRPC and enrich the presentation. For example, a university researcher should invite an administrator or educator from a school that was part of the research to co-present the research. Teachers, who are closest to the impact of the work, should also be invited.

Decision making: 

If an SRPC member receives a request for a presentation, that request should be discussed with the Advisory Council co-chairs and the Knowledge Engagement Committee Co-Chairs. Advisory Council Co-Chairs will approve or deny the request 

  • They will consider:

    • Does the request align with the purpose of the research? 

    • Who is the audience? Is this an audience that the SRPC and/or schools will benefit from reaching?

    • What is the requestee’s hoped outcome of sharing? Can the research meet this hoped outcome?

    • What is the SRPC’s hoped outcome from filling this request?

    • Is there enough time to prepare?

If the presentation is approved by the Advisory Council Co-Chairs, an announcement should be sent out to the Advisory Council and the presentation added to the publication calendar. 

Knowledge Engagement Committee Chairs will work with the lead author and Advisory Council co-chairs to prepare. This may include preparing new materials, identifying additional presenters, etc. 

    1. The request should be agreed to a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the deadline for sharing materials

    2. The presentation must be limited to the Key Takeaways and Summary prepared by researcher and brief author outlined in section IIIb, subsection b. They should already have been peer-reviewed through the process outlined in section IIIa, subsection 1.

    3. If new analyses are done for the presentation, they must be peer reviewed by at least two researchers prior to public presentation. After peer review, they must be sent to the LEA leaders or representatives 30 days prior to public release (as outlined in Section IIIa.).  

Collecting Feedback

After their presentation, presenters should ask audience members to fill out the survey to collect feedback on whether or not the presentation fulfilled the goals discussed with the Advisory Council co-chairs. 

After one week, the presenter should debrief the feedback with the Knowledge Engagement co-chairs. Together, they should create a summary of the feedback and recommendations for future audiences, improving presentation styles for future work, etc. This summary should be shared with the Advisory Council co-chairs and the Knowledge Engagement committee over email or in person.