Asynchronous Meeting: Subcommittee Reports

Present perspectives on the use of research for practice and review subgroup progress.

Meeting 5 Update: 5/28

Summary: In May, we worked towards sub-committee design objectives, specifically research agenda development. SRPC’s advisors suggested that we pursue additional research with quicker turnaround times to avoid concentrating all efforts in one area. The following updates include outcomes from subcommittee work. Included are hyperlinks to videos that explain the slides and corresponding reports.

For Committee Members:

  1. Feedback Survey: What will you need to move forward? Please consider what you and your organization will need to move forward with SPRC (funding, personnel, etc.) and respond to the survey here.

  2. Review and respond to the proposed research questions by the Core Planning Committee.

Subcommittee Updates

Core Planning Committee (Core function: Develop the research agenda)

  • The Core Planning Committee met on 5/26 to review themes from interviews with teachers and principals and brainstorm research questions on student mobility. The discussion was informed by:

  • The subcommittee generated a list of potential research questions. Please review and respond to the proposed research questions in the linked document.

  • The group will prioritize questions and recommend a research agenda in June.

Governance/Infrastructure Committee

  • The subcommittee met on 5/17 to discuss two components of governance: creating a leadership body and selecting a managing entity. The slide deck can be found here.

  • Committee members agreed that hiring high-capacity staff and designing a structure that can best enable the first project(s) to be completed as a proof of concept is critical to the SRPC’s success.

  • As a next step, the group agreed that a charter document is needed to outline who will be responsible for moving the work forward including staffing, a leadership committee, and temporary housing. The subcommittee will propose a structure during the June meeting.

Data Hub

  • The Data Hub met on 5/21 to discuss the Design Council’s feedback regarding the creation of a data hub (see slides here) and key considerations for student mobility (meeting notes here).

  • The group will continue to explore questions regarding data collection, data infrastructure, and data use and will provide the Design Council a scoping document for the June meeting.

Knowledge Engagement

  • The Knowledge Engagement subcommittee has finished conducting interviews with educators to understand their needs when engaging with research.

  • The group will meet to review results and begin planning practices to incorporate engaging practitioners in research.

Next Steps:

  1. Final Design Council Meeting Agenda:

    • Discuss and approve the Research Agenda and temporary governance structure.

    • Discuss how members can engage moving forward.

  2. Kick-off Phase 2: Build and Pilot

After the Design Council concludes in June 2021, SRPC will move into Phase 2 of development, where we will focus on building and piloting the first research-practice projects. This will include:

  • Formalizing partnerships necessary to carry out the initial research agenda through MOUs detailing obligations, roles, and expectations

  • Applying for grants to sustain the work outlined in the first research agenda

  • Execution of the research agenda

  • Incorporation of research back into practice through workgroups or some other process

  • Clear measures to evaluate for success, including check-ins throughout the project

  • Data hub development


4. Defining Data Hub & Structure


6. Funding, Building, & Next Steps